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Alfa Laval’s global service network and 360° Service Portfolio

Alfa Laval’s global service network and 360° Service Portfolio

Maintaining the edge over competitors is never easy. Operations must be continually improved, and production capabilities optimised. At Alfa Laval we understand these demands, and the requirement that your equipment performs at its best throughout its lifetime. We help keep you competitive by minimizing costs and maximising the return on your equipment investment. Our global service network and 360° Service Portfolio support your operations at all times, stopping problems before they occur.

Correct maintenance is crucial.

Extending the performance of your equipment relies on the correct maintenance procedures being observed. Magnus Christersson, Division Manager at Service Nordic, Alfa Laval explains, “performing regular maintenance on your equipment is key to reducing costs and securing uptime in production.” Alfa Laval’s global service network is driven by customer needs, dedicated to securing production uptime, being readily available, providing quality service and optimization to ensure your peace of mind.


Proper service, performed at the right time, saves you money and prevents unplanned interruptions. The experts of our network have the skills, experience and procedures to spot problems before they occur.


Wherever your operations are, our network is there. You have easy access to expert support from responsive people who care about your equipment and process performance. The same is true when it comes to parts. Alfa Laval’s dedicated team gets the right parts to where you need them – in the right number and in as little time as possible. Christersson continues, “we deliver on the availability of our field service engineers and technical salespeople. We understand your need for a speedy response when it comes to your production and try to respond to all requests within one day.”


To safeguard the quality of your operations, only genuine Alfa Laval spare parts are used, which are designed for your equipment and manufactured for safe, reliable performance. “Our quality relates to anything from spare parts, to the quality of our field service engineers, who are not only fully qualified, but are part of our global network within Alfa Laval, serving your needs wherever you are,” says Christersson.


The challenges you face may change over time. New media and capacities appear, as do changes in regulations and other business drivers. Solutions are available to adapt your equipment based on the latest technology and Alfa Laval experience worldwide. By listening closely to your needs, the experts of our global network provide the right solutions for you.

Alfa Laval 360° Service Portfolio.

We partner with you all the way - from start-up, maintenance and support, to improvements and monitoring services. We have all the parts and services to ensure your equipment performs to the level it was designed to – both now and in the future.


We bring your equipment into operation smoothly and safely, while respecting global guidelines. We ensure your equipment delivers as it is meant to from the get-go.


With proper maintenance at the right time, you can achieve higher performance and lower operating costs while maximizing your equipment’s lifetime.


Assistance is always on hand. Many issues can be solved directly over the phone, and experienced troubleshooting specialists can be dispatched to your site when needed.


Stopping problems before they occur saves time and money. Inspections and audits – or even continuous monitoring – can keep you informed of any performance changes.


Performance can be taken to the next level to better match your evolving needs. We can improve your equipment, letting you take advantage of the latest technical developments.

Preventive maintenance - prevent problems before they occur.

By servicing your equipment only when necessary, you can ensure operational reliability and maintain performance. Preventive maintenance reduces unplanned stops, increases equipment lifetime and reduces workplace accidents. It also enables you to make the best use of resources and reduce spare parts stock.

Preventive maintenance is performed as a stand-alone service when your equipment has been in operation for a certain number of hours, and at a fixed interval to avoid unplanned stops. The service can also be part of a Performance Agreement. Our experts analyze your operating conditions, determine accurate maintenance intervals based on various factors, including type of application as well as the usage and condition of the equipment, supply genuine spare parts, and perform maintenance on board, on site or in one of the Alfa Laval Service Centres located close to you.

Ньюсмейкер: Industrial News Service — 52 публикации


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