20.02.2020 13:22
Просмотров всего: 9863; сегодня: 2.

Gulfood Summit: the robot makes pancakes, green grows in a restaurant!

The most important event of the year for professionals in the field of food products who wanted to find the newest products, follow the new market trends and find useful social ties in business, opened in the United Arab Emirates. Gulfood innovation summit is an opportunity for “rethinking the food” towards a sustainable and prosperous future.

The 25th anniversary summit brought together on the platform a stellar collective of industry experts, senior politicians, entrepreneurs and chefs, including Michelin star holders. There were 23 Michelin stars altogether held by chefs at the exhibition. The chefs from over 20 countries for 5 days of demonstrations, degustation and master classes.

The trend of the 25th Summit is an integrated kitchen designed for environmentally friendly and vegan cuisine. However this kitchen should be equipped with alternative cooking systems and hydroponic products for the live and vegan dishes. The Robot-chef from the Marses.Systems company prepares pancakes, and fresh greenery grows right at the chef’s hand. Russian startup “Small innovative enterprise Greenbar presents an automatic show-case for growing micro-greenery in a restaurant. Chefs has no longer to wait for fresh green products and takes care of it storage. In the window, the green products will grow all the year round and could be used upon request. The only thing that the restaurant staff needs is to put the seeds in the Greenbar show-case, add water and wait for the harvest. No additional knowledge in agrarian technology, soil qualities and seedling care. The Greenbar will do everything herself!

Greenbar team are the professionals in the field of growing digital crops. Due to the many years of experience, they were able to convert agricultural technologies into program codes and transfer plant care to the artificial intelligence, now they successfully produces high-tech equipment for urbanfarming.

Greenbar received an investment during the Estimated Round from Zayed Innohub. The implementation of this project was approved by the Khalifa Enterprise Development Fund. Greenbar has great prospects and is developing a new market. This is the first Russian company represented on such a scale in the international market of the technological equipment for the nutrition.

Microgreenery spicy herb add an incredible aroma to salads, soups, stews, pizza, egg, vegetable and potato dishes, sandwiches, pasta etc. Famous Gulfood chefs do not miss the unique opportunity to evaluate a new product from Greenbar and add fresh thyme, sorrel, or basil to cocktails, desserts, and main dishes. The latest trend from the masters of haute cuisine Gulfood are dishes in liquid form. The traditional Microgreens - in juices and smoothies – has shifts also to alcoholic beverages. Now garden flavors like peas, parsnips, radishes and even celery make their cocktail debuts served in the most fashionable bars and restaurants. And they get into cocktails freshly collected from the Greenbar show-case.

salad grows in a restaurant
salad grows in a restaurant

Gulfood Summit: the robot makes pancakes, green grows in a restaurant!

he robot makes pancakes
he robot makes pancakes

Gulfood Summit: the robot makes pancakes, green grows in a restaurant!

Ньюсмейкер: Gulfood
Сайт: www.gulfood.com


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